A Journey to Texas

In September we were invited to the global inspire days hosted by Quadient in San Antonio. Stefan Schmid our Head of Development and Innovation and me started a trip to the United States. Our task was to represent our Company, learn and share new things about Inspire and to be part of a panel discussion. But let us start at the beginning of the journey, our flight was rebooked an unfortunately to an early morning hour that forced me to get ready to go at 4.30 in the morning.  Anyway, the trip was started and we fly from Zurich to London from there to Charlotte and finally get to San Antonio. We arrived in the early afternoon and the security check was very kind to me, my expectations were the opposite.

The temperature was so hot and the humidity as well, it is no whether for us. We got the feeling we are all the time under a hairdryer at maximum level. We grab the first Taxi we can found and try to make to the hotel. the driver was so kind, he could not stop to talk and after that Stefan has explained him for the third time that swiss is not Sweden, he gave up. The guy was so uncoordinated that he has managed it to drop us out at the wrong hotel. Respect to you Mr. Driver we apricate that.

We catch the next Cab to get to our hotel and finally we did it, hurray!

After a nearly 20 hours trip, we decided we have to eat something and checked the possibilities the internet gave us. Our first stop was a Brazilian Restaurant and the air conditioner was set to minus 10 degrees. We asked kindly for a small dinner and the answer was you can have all you can eat or nothing, we took nothing and it tasted wonderful. We tried the next restaurant, the Yard house nearby the hotel and they serve us something to eat, a hurray for that!

Our Conclusion from the first day was, we need always a second try and we should get some sleep and try again in the morning. Positive attitude!

This was our trip and the first day, stay tuned it will be exciting…..